State Farm Insurance • Dennis Ford
“Life is short, eat dessert first.”

He was Valedictorian of his Roxana class. Wouldn’t say he was the smartest person in his class, but he worked hard.
Originally wanted to be tax attorney.
Went to SIUE.
Did not like the pressure of the deadlines whether from the IRS or big companies.

His dad’s State Farm agent asked his dad if Dennis would be interested in being an insurance agent.
In 1976 he came to Jerseyville.

People who work with you, or for you, can make or break you.

He enjoys that he is self-employed, but still has the benefits of working for a major company.
Encouraged them to find a job/career that they will enjoy.

Married his wife, Linda, in 1973.
He feels lucky to be married to her for 50 years now.

Biggest role model is his uncle who is an accountant. He is 83 and still works.

Thank you, Dennis, for speaking with us!
We enjoyed your words of wisdom!